Friday, July 24, 2009

Noteworthy Birthdays: Amelia Earhart & Alexandre Dumas

Renowned aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart (born January 4, 1897 in Atchison, Kansas) disappeared during an attempt to make a global circumnavigational flight in 1937. Earhart was the first woman to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross after successfully flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to flying, Earhart published books, wrote newspaper articles, promoted her own lines of luggage and fashion, and became an advisor at Purdue University.

Wikipedia Biography on Amelia Earhart

Check out the aviator at CDPL: Amelia Earhart

French author Alexandre Dumas (born July 24, 1802,died December 5, 1870 in Villers-Cotterets, France) contributed works of fiction, non-fiction, drama, travel writing, and an encyclopedia/cookbook. Dumas' works include themes of adventure, politics, culture, and French history. His most famous contributions include The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Christo, Robin Hood, Henri III et Sa Cour (drama), Antony (drama), and Great Dictionary of Cuisine.

Wikipedia Biography on Alexandre Dumas

Check out the author at CDPL: Alexandre Dumas


Unknown said...

she was born in 1987? Im older than her!

CDPL said...

Fixed to be "1897"

fyi: Comment should be: "I'm older than she!"