Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ingenious High School Artists Embellish Mary Bishop Memorial Display Gallery

Just before the fresh colorful beauty of spring bursts forth, the dazzlingly energetic explosions of youthful imaginations burst forth in munificent profusion on the brand-new freshly papered walls of the Crawfordsville District Public Library Mary Bishop Memorial Gallery. The exhibit is available for viewing from Sunday, February 26 until Sunday, March 19 during regular library hours.

Montgomery County High School Art Students, with the help of their High School Art Teachers and Tri Kappa Sorority members, are again ready to wow you with their rich talent and focused, tenacious skill. Every art student who wishes to enter this event, may do so, in one or several of the following categories; Ceramics, Communication Arts/Graphic Design/Computer Graphics, Drawing 1 and 2, Jewelry & Metalsmithing, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography 1 and 2, Printmaking, Sculpture and Textile & Fiber Design. Ribbons and Financial Awards, in each of these fourteen categories, are given for first, second, third place and honorable mention. An Award is also given for Best of Show and People's choice.

An experienced, independent judge, from outside Montgomeryt County, is hired by Tri Kappa each year to judge this event. This year's judge is retired artist, Tom Broscius, whose career has spanned the disciplines of technical illustration, commercial art and advertising, and special emphasis on the fine arts of watercolor, oil and acrylic painting. Tom began his art education with a home study course provided by his mother. By high school he was known as an exceptionally able artist. After a US Air Force tour of duty, Tom earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the College of William and Mary. His work has been exhibited in New York State. Tri Kappa volunteers work hard to ensure a successful exhibit. They work with teachers, categories, time-lines; student data base preparation, accept the art, label it, have it judged and last but not least, place each piece in a categorically artistic manner.The six High School Art Teachers suggest categories to enter, teach skills, encourage students to put forth their best effort and matt and cover each piece. Come prepared to be awed by the scope and depth of talent emanating from these high-spirited young artists, when you visit Mary Bishop Memorial Gallery where you can place your vote for the people's choice award. Enjoy!

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