Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Celebrating National Library Week: Searching the Catalog

You may already know that you can search the library catalog from the library or from home any time  you want in order to find anything you want! Searching can be frustrating, however, because a library catalog needs your help (what we are saying, we suppose, is that a library catalog is not as easy to use as Google!). But if you use some basic strategies, you can greatly increase the chances of finding exactly what you are looking for.

One of the most useful features of the catalog is the Limit by filter that allows you to narrow your search to a particular type of material.

For example, if you wanted to find books about dinosaurs for children but did not want to scroll through DVDs or adult non-fiction books, use the Limit by filter and choose "Juvenile beginner books" before clicking Go.

The Limit by filter is just one of the ways you can improve any search. For more help, feel free to ask any librarian on duty or call the Reference Desk at 765-362-2242 ext 117.

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