Monday, February 06, 2012

In the Gallery: Indiana and Beyond

Indiana and Beyond

Two Indiana Artists display their paintings in the Mary Bishop Memorial Gallery at the Crawfordsville District Public Library.

Audrey Elaine is a Hoosier Artist, born and raised in Indiana. Retired after 23 years in the United States Postal Service, she now devotes her time to painting landscapes of Indiana in oil, watercolor and acrylic. Her professional memberships include: The Hoosier Salon, Indiana Heritage Artists, Indiana Plein Air Painters Association, Indiana Arts/Crafts and the Incorporated Sugar Creek Art Center. Audrey has exhibited work in shows across the United States and all over Indiana, including Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis Artsgarden, Talbot Street Art Fair, Covered Bridge Festival, Orchard in Bloom, Prairie Town Market and Park Full of Art.

Alyce J. Miller, also a Hoosier Artists, has over 50 paintings on display in the Mary Bishop Memorial Gallery at the Crawfordsville District Public Library, many with Agricultural and floral themes. Alyce comes from an artistic family and has been painting for about nine years now. She exhibits in several counties and is a member of the Sugar Creek Art Center in Thorntown and the Tri County Art Group.

In the Mary Bishop Memorial Gallery at the Crawfordsville District Public Library, Audrey and Alyce currently have many lovely paintings on display; many of them are available for purchase.

Indiana and Beyond will run through Feb 16, 2012, and you can view the paintings during normal library hours, Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 9 pm, Friday and Saturday 9 am to 5 pm and Sunday 1 to 5 pm.

For more information about this art show contact Curator Kat Burkhart 765-362-4618 or

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