Friday, September 02, 2011


Popular media is full of references to Twitter and tweeting. The likes of Martha Stewart, Ashton Kutcher, and even President Obama use Twitter. But just what is Twitter? And what is a tweet?

Todd Kelsey in Social Networking Spaces: From Facebook to Twitter and Everything in Between writes "it is a small blog with very short entries," actually just 140 characters. Tweets are the text posts that are displayed on the author's profile page and sent to the author's subscribers. Those subscribers are often known as "followers."

According to Paul McFedries in Twitter; Tips, Tricks, and Tweets users took the question of "What are you doing? and morphed it into What's happening?" He states that his book will tell you everything you need to know to get started and perform all the standard chores and beyond. 

Did you know that CDPL is on Twitter? CDPL posts upcoming events, programs, closings, and other important announcements. On the library's homepage, click on the "What's New" tab and then select Tweets. You can read CDPL's tweets without joining Twitter. If you'd like to join Twitter, just click on the yellow "sign up" box and follow CvillePL!

All the books mentioned above can be found at CDPL. Both offer information on how to get started on Twitter, tips, and advice on sending tweets

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