Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Youth Services Summer program "thanks"

The Youth Services Department at the Crawfordsville District Public Library wants to send thanks out to all who helped with the summer reading program this year. We want to thank the businesses in town that donated coupons, movie rentals, and books. Thank you to Applebee's, Dairy Queen, Family Video, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Parks & Recreation Dept. and Random House. We also send out a GREAT big thanks to the Friends of the Library for funding the program. We couldn't do this without their generosity. We want to thank the staff at the library as well. Summer is always a busy time and their help was very much appreciated. And we want to thank the parents and children for coming in throughout the summer. Without them, there would be no need for a program.

Although the summer reading program has ended, we still have a lot to offer in the Youth Services area at the library. Through August, we have story times for babies on Mondays at 11:00; toddlers on Tuesdays at 10:00; and 3, 4, and 5 year olds on Thursdays at 11:00. We also have drop-in family story time every Tuesday evening at 6:45. On Saturday, August 25th, we will have a Game Day for elementary students at 2:30. Come relax, play games, and have a snack.

We will take a break from the above story times in September. However, we will have a new program for Tweens (ages 8-12) the second Monday at 3:45 and a program for Teens the third Monday at 3:45.

In October and November we will resume story times, have Tweens and Teens, and have a special Saturday event.

Please call 362-2242 ext. 115 for more details on programming or see what's happening on the website at cdpl.lib.in.us. Again, thank you to all who had a part in the summer reading program.

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